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12 January 2017

The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning

Erwina Tri Astuti

Nowadays  there is a common  focus on raising student achievement while integrating
technology as a tool. Policymakers and educators are renewing their commitment to programs and instructional practices that to enhance maximum effects on instruction and student outcomes.  Using technology in  teaching learning is essential if we are to make a lasting impact on how students learn. Cristen, 2009 described that on set of the Common Core Standards and their emphasis on technology, using technology will become an even bigger priority in schools. Technology has a positive impact on student learning. Technology causes students to be more engage, students often retain more information.Technology provides meaningful learning experiences. Technology also provides hands-on learning opportunities that can be integrated into all school curricular areas, including mathematics.
Today students live in a very technological world. Most students use some of technology on a daily basis including; texting, social networking, and web surfing. Students know these technologies as useful and enjoyable. These very same students that are accustomed to these types of technologies will relate to using technology at school.
Technology can be used to restructure and redesign the classroom to produce an environment that promotes the development of higher-order thinking skills (Kurt, 2010). Technology also increases student collaboration. Students in the study also reported learning vocabulary, spelling, and sentence structure by reading the work of their classmates (Lin & Yang, 2011). Computers and the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Therefore, one of the greatest vehicles for the 21st century is using technology for effective and permanent learning. The internet affects peoples’ lives by increasing communication, expanding educational services, and increasing quality along with personal interaction. More emphasis has been placed on seeking, evaluating, organizing using and sharing information with others. The internet is the greatest source for information and the best way to quickly share and exchange information with others, The internet sharpens one’s ability to search and analyze information (Tutkun, 2011).
It is absolutelly believed that technology can empower teachers and learners, promote change and foster the development of twenty-first century skills. Improving education quality is a priority for most developing countries in which governments are facing the challenge to identify efficient ways to use their scarce resources and raise the quality of education. obstacles facing the adoption of educational technology and the effects of Educational Technology on student achievement and academic staff teaching effectiveness. Educational Technology has been defined as solutions to instructional problems that involve social as well as machine technologies with concern for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of learning in educational contexts (Cassidy, 1982, Gentry, 1995). Bruce and Levin (1997), however, perceive educational technology as a means of media with four different focuses: media for enquiry (for example, data modelling, spreadsheets, hypertext, etc.), media for communication (for example, e-mail, graphics software and simulations), media for construction (for example, robotics, CAD, control systems) and media for expression (for example, interactive video, animation software, music composition).
A study conducted by Baytak, Tarman, & Ayas found that most students believe that their learning is improved by integrating technology into classroom curriculum. Students participating in the study reported that using technology in school makes learning fun and helps them learn more. They believed that technology makes learning interesting, enjoyable, and interactive. Children today love to learn by doing, interacting, and discovering (Baytak, Tarman, & Ayas, 2011).
Technology integration is shown to be effective in all age groups and is also shown to be helpful for students with special learning needs. To reiterate, technology integration has the following benefits: 1) increased student motivation; 2) increased student engagement; 3) increased student collaboration; 4, increased hands-on learning opportunities; 5) allows for learning at all levels; 6) increased confidence in students, and 6) increased technology skills.
This is a mind map about the benefit of technology :

References  :
Sangràa. A and Mercedes González-Sanmamedb. M.G., (2010). “The role of information and communication technologies in improving teaching and learning processes in primary and secondary schools”. ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology Vol. 18, No. 3.  (Received 31 January 2010; final version received 30 September 2010).

Jaflah Al-Ammary (1).”Educational Technology: A Way To Enhance Student Achievement At The University Of Bahrain “.The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education Volume 3, Issue 3.

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