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26 November 2016

Media For Learning--Ratih Wijayanti (1507042042)

Media For Learning
 Ratih Wijayanti

In our daily life, we can’t be separated with media. The use of media is very important for human being, especially in teaching learning process. We always use media to support the activities in the classroom. Do media influence learning? Perhaps it is time to rephrase the question: How, do media affect learning? Perhaps it is time to go beyond our concern with “proving” that media “cause” learning so that we can begin to explore the question in more complex ways. Perhaps we should ask, what are the actual and potential relationships between media and learning? Can we describe and understand those relationships?

To know further information about media, you can look at the map below :

     Definition :
  1. Media can be defined by their technology, their symbol systems, and their processing capabilities. The most obvious characteristic of a medium is its technology, the mechanical and electronic aspects that determine its function and to some extent its shape and other physical features. These are the characteristics that are commonly used to classify a medium as a television,a radio,computer, and so on. (Kozma, R.B.,1991:2)
  2. Symbol systems are "modes of appearance" (Goodman, 1976), or sets of elements (such as words, picture components, etc.) that are interrelated within each system by syntax and are used in specifiable ways in relation to fields of reference (such that words and sentences in a text may represent people, objects, and activities and be structured in a way that forms a story). (Kozma,1991 : 3)
  3. Media “stimuli” are described according to the surface features of their technologies, and their effect on learning is assessed by using “responses” on a test. Missing from this approach are any descriptions of the cognitive, affective, or social processes by which learning occurs.(Kozma,1994 : 1)
  4. Media can be defined to promote any number of pedagogical objectives, ranging from sparking student interest in subject matter to possibly encouraging intergroup respect and appreciation. However, their most critical function in terms of cognitive learning appears to lie in their capacity to serve as representational applications for key course ideas. (Miller, 2009 : 2). In the 1960s, Lumsdaine ( 1963) and others (e.g., Mielke, 1968) argued that gross media comparison and selection studies might not pay off. They implied that media, when viewed as collections of mechanical instruments, such as television and computers, were sample delivery devices. (Clark, 2007 : 445-459).

Kozma, Rober B. 1991. Learning with Media. “Review of educational research”, 61(2), 179-212.
Kozma, Rober B. 1994. The Influence of Media on Learning : The Debate Continues. SLMQ, Vol. 22, No.4.
Miller, Michael V. 2009. Integrating Online Multimedia into College Course and Classroom: with Application to the Social Sciences. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No.2. 
Clark, Richard E. 2007. Reconsidering Research on Learning from Media. “Review of Educational Research”, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 445-459.

25 November 2016

Instructional Technology Facilitate Learning

^Published by Melissa^

When we talk about instructional technology, one things comes up into our minds is the definition of instructional technology itself. On the previous article we have talked about several instructional definition of technology .One of the definition which we can take from the previous article is ~ Instructional technology includes practical techniques of instructional delivery that systematically aim for effective learning, whether or not they involve the use of media. (Gagne, 2011: 7). When we read or heard the word instructional technology, sometimes we think that it had an entanglement or in common with educational technology. Whereas instructional technology and educational technology is the two different things. Educational technology is emphasized to the use of technology as the implement is applied  during the learning process, while instructional technology talk about the technique and instruction which we apply to the learning process to attain the meaningful learning.

But what is meaningful learning? Meaningful learning occurs when complex ideas and information are combined with students’ own experiences and prior knowledge to form personal and unique understandings. Learning is meaningful when the student comprehends the relationship of what is being learned to other knowledge. Unfortunately the students’ role was to learn the information presented by the technology, just as they learned information presented by the teacher. The role of the technology was to deliver lessons to students, just as trucks deliver groceries to supermarkets (Clark, 1983). If you deliver groceries, people will eat. If you deliver instruction, students will learn. Before we find the way of how to overcome this inaccurate technique of learning, here are some characteristics of meaningful learning. (Wikibooks, 2008)

The main characteristics of meaningful learning are that it is active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative.
  •   Active – learning occurs through interactions with and manipulations of the environment
  • Constructive – learning occurs when we reflect on our learning activities in order to assign meaning to them
  • Intentional – learning occurs when students can identify the learning goals and are aware of their progress toward actively achieving the goals.
  • Authentic – learning occurs when context-based, complex, and relative to real-life.
  • Cooperative – learning occurs through working with others and participating in a learning community (Grabe & Grabe, 2007). 

How Instructional Technology Facilitate Learning

If instructional technology is used to foster meaningful learning, then they will not be used as delivery vehicles. Rather, instructional technology should be used as engagers and facilitators of thinking. 
Instructional technology facilitators provide, promote, and participate in shared leadership. They are valued for leading a strong and comprehensive school instructional technology program which provides tools, resources, and content that promote critical thinking, problem solving, and information and communications literacy while also making content engaging, relevant, and meaningful to students. Instructional technology facilitators encourage student-owned 21st Century learning including collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. They enable teaching in all content areas Instructional technology facilitators demonstrate the value of lifelong learning and encourage the school community to learn and grow. They are reflective about their practice and promote inclusion and analysis of assessments that are authentic, structured, and demonstrate student understanding.
To make it easier to understand of how instructional technology facilitate learning, here are the map of The NC Professional Instructional Technology Facilitator Standards:

Bonwell, C., & Eison, J. (1991). Active learning: Creating excitement in the classroom. George Washington University, Washington DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED340272)
D. Jonassen, J. Howland, R.M. Marra, D. Crismond. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology edition, p. 5-10.
Grabe, M., & Grabe, C. (2007). Integrating technology for meaningful learning. (5th ed.), New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin CompanyTileston, D. (2004). What every teacher should know about media and technology . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

15 November 2016

What Is Instructional Technology?

by Endang Asrini and Widya Rahmawati

What comes up into your mind when hearing the words "instructional technology"?

Perhaps, you would imagine something modern like laptop, mobile phone, tablet or any other gadgets which can be used during the teaching and learning. Well, it is almost correct, but technology is not limited on modern devices. It is not only necessarily about the media, but also the process. A quotation says that technology is only one tool in the learning process. Instructional technology comes to aid the teacher to solve the problem in the class. The term instructional technology and educational technology are often used interchangeably. However, both terms are different since education is much broader than instruction.

To know further about what instructional technology is, it is better to look at the following map:

  1. Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological process and resources. (Januszweski and Molenda, 2010: 1)
  2. Educational technology is a systematic and organized process of applying modern technology to improve the quality of education (effciency, optimal, true, etc.) (Stošić, 2015: 111)
  3. Instructional technology includes practical techniques of instructional delivery that systematically aim for effective learning, whether or not they involve the use of media. (Gagne, 2011: 7)
  4. Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. (AECT in Luppicini, 2005)

Gagne, Robert M (ed). 2010. Instructional Technology: Foundations. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-89859-626-2
Januszweski, Alan and Molenda, Michael. 2008. Educational Technology: A definition with commentary. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-8058-58-60-0
Luppicini, Rocci. 2005.  A Systems Definition of Educational Technology in Society. Educational Technology & Society, 8 (3), 103-109.
Stošić, Lazar. 2015. The importance of educational technology in teaching. (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education Vol. 3, No.1


KKNI yang sudah tertuang dalam Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 2012  kini ditargetkan dapat diimplementasikan pada tahun 2016, yakni penyetaraan antara kualifikasi lulusan dengan kualifikasi KKNI, pengalaman pembelajaran lampau (PPL), pendidikan multi entry dan multi exit, dan pendidikan sistem terbuka. KKNI ini juga sering muncul dalam Ketentuan Umum Peraturan Menteri, seperti halnya dalam Permendikbud No. 49 Tahun 2014 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi. Dalam permendikbud tersebut, dijelaskan bahwa:
Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia atau yang biasa disebut KKNI adalah kerangka penjenjangan kualifikasi sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang menyandingkan, menyetarakan, dan mengintegrasikan sektor pendidikan dengan sektor pelatihan dan pengalaman kerja dalam suatu skema pengakuan kemampuan kerja yang disesuaikan dengan struktur di berbagai sektor pekerjaan.

KKNI merupakan perwujudan mutu dan jati diri bangsa Indonesia terkait dengan sistem pendidikan nasional, sistem pelatihan kerja nasional, dan sistem penilaian kesetaraan capaian pembelajaran (learning outcomes) nasional, yang dimiliki Indonesia untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia nasional yang bermutu dan produktif. KKNI terdiri dari 9 (sembilan) jenjang kualifikasi, dimulai dari Kualifikasi I sebagai kualifikasi terendah dan Kualifikasi IX sebagai kualifikasi tertinggi. Tiap level harus benar-benar sesuai dengan levelnya, dalam arti tidak boleh level 6 (S-2) merasakan level 8 (S-2). Dalam kata lain, tidak diperbolehkan S-1 berasa S-2 dan sebagainya. Adapun keterangan tiap levelnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Taken from KKNI website

Jenjang kualifikasi adalah tingkatan capaian pembelajaran yang disepakati secara nasional, disusun berdasarkan ukuran pencapaian proses pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, informal, atau pengalaman kerja. 9 jenjang kualifikasi KKNI dimulai dari jenjang 1-3 sebagai jabatan operator; jenjang 4-6 jabatan sebagai teknisi atau analis; dan jenjang 7-9 disebut sebagai jabatan ahli. Lulusan pendidikan dasar setara dengan jenjang 1; lulusan pendidikan menengah paling rendah setara dengan jenjang 2; Diploma 1 paling rendah setara dengan jenjang 3; lulusan Diploma 4 atau Sarjana Terapan dan Sarjana paling rendah setara dengan jenjang 6; dan seterusnya hingga jenjang 9 doktor dan doktor terapan.

Sebagai perwujudan mutu dan jati diri bangsa Indonesia dalam sistem pendidikan, pelatihan serta sistem pengakuan kompetensi kerja secara nasional, maka KKNI dimaksudkan menjadi pedoman untuk:
  • menetapkan kualifikasi capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan informal atau pengalaman kerja;
  • menetapkan skema pengakuan kualifikasi capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, informal atau pengalaman kerja;
  • menyetarakan kualifikasi di antara capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan informal atau pengalaman kerja;
  • mengembangkan metode dan sistem pengakuan kualifikasi tenaga kerja dari negara lain yang akan bekerja di Indonesia.

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas lulusan perguruaan tinggi. Rambu-rambu yang harus dipenuhi di tiap jenjang perlu dapat membedakan:
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Jumlah sks
  • Waktu studi minimum
  • Mata Kuliah Wajib : untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran dengan kompetensi umum
  • Proses pembelajaran yang berpusat pada mahasiswa
  • Akuntabilitas asesmen
  • Perlunya Diploma Supplement (surat keterangan pelengkap ijazah dan transkrip)

Dengan adanya KKNI, pengakuan kualifikasi tidak mengacu pada pendidikan semata, tetapi juga pelatihan dan pengalaman kerja. Ijazah tidak lagi dipandang sebagai ukuran tinggi rendahnya kompetensi seseorang, namun kerangka kualifikasi yang disepakati secara nasional dapat dijadikan dasar pengakuan terhadap hasil pendidikan seseorang secara luas (formal, non formal, atau in formal) yang akuntanbel dan transparan. Sehingga, nantinya diperlukan adanya sertifikasi kompetensi selain ijazah. 


13 November 2016



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