Social Icons

17 January 2017


Social Media and Politeness
Edi Sukmara

Utilisation of any media, including social media should be carefully considered. It may change new generation’s  language habit impacting on the change of the politeness pertinent to particular culture. We argue that youth’s  immersion in socila media has influenced their language habit.
·      The first change is spontanety promoted in socila media brought in within Interpersinal             assimmectrical interaction between Student-Lecturer.
·      The second change is the movement toward the lower context communication style. As a        consequence, a politeness is value from formality, absence of the swear word, hurtful words.
·      The third change is often used of “Bahasa Gaul” that value egalitarianism, modernity,and         expression during interaction with lecturer to reduce social distance.
·      Finally, feeling of connectedness as a result of easy and convinient contact with lectures        develops student’s casual choice of language. This notion may also challenge the concept of “traditional” politeness that expected during Student-Lecturer interaction.
Due to, the education institution and practitioners should make the police the regulate communication media that is more suitable for the student-lecturer interaction, and incoorporate politeness, broader language etiquette, and culturer ethics in academic curriculum, for mainstrean media, they should be more careful in presenting the model of politeness within broadcasted interaction.

Barness, S.B.2008. Understanding socila media from the media, ecological perspective

Eelen, G. 2001. A Critique of politenss theories. St.Jerome, Manchester.

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