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13 January 2017


The advantages and disadvantages of powerpoint
Edi Sukmara

There are some advantages of PowerPoint are; they are quick and easy, simple bullet points, easy to create a colorful, attractive design, easy to modify, and easily re-order presentation. The disadvantages of PowerPoint are design power pointless, PowerPoint excess, replaces planning and preparation over-simplification of the topic, and feature abundance.

With presentation graphic software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, even users without specialized graphics training can create attractive graphic displays in a form suitable for professional presentation. Through Power Point

Here are some advantages of non projected visuals;
a.       Non projected visuals can translate abstract ideas into more realistic format. They allow instruction to move down from the level of verbal symbols in Dale’s Cone of Experience to a more concrete level.
b.      They are easy to use because they do not require any equipment.
c.       They are relatively inexpensive; furthermore, many can be obtained at little or no cost.
d.      They can be used in many ways at all levels of instruction and in all disciplines.
e.       They can be used to stimulate creative expression, such as telling stories or composing poetry.
Here are some disadvantages of non-projected visuals;
a.       Some non-projected visuals are simply too small for use before a group and the possibility to enlarge them often costs expensive.
b.      Some non-projected visuals demand special caution.
c.       Because the images are visually symbolic rather than fully representational, they leave more room for viewers to misinterpret the intended meaning.
Bibliography › ... › Using PowerPoint and Alternatives Successfully

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