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14 January 2017


By Asarika Fajarini

The Developing of Teaching English Curriculum
According to Constitution No. 23 Year 2003 Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and learning materials as well as the means used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve national education goals. Teaching English Curriculum in Indonesia can be divided into five periods; those are Curriculum 1975, Curriculum 1986, Curriculum 1994, Curriculum 2004 and Curriculum 2006 (KTSP). From five period’s curriculum above, the approach has three theory of based. Those are; Audio-lingual approach from 1963 -1975, Communicative approach from 1986 – 1994, combining approach between communicative and text in curriculum 2004 and 2006. In this resume will be described about the differences of curriculum between Audio-lingual and Communicative approach. 
A.      Audio-lingual approach
1.        There are three theories used in audio-lingual approach: 
a.         Language theory which is based of the approach is structural linguistic that developed in United State of America. This theory said that language as a system which the components of them are connected each other. The characteristics of these; components of the language which is linier can be joined into bigger component, components of language can be divided into each step (ex: phoneme, morpheme, word), language as a system (ex: phoneme become morpheme, morpheme become word, word become phrase, clause or sentence). The other point of view said language as speech. Speech is the main medium. It is happened because people learn speaking before reading and writing. It can be decided that oral language becomes priority in learning English. 
b.        This approach adopted behaviorisms. This is seen the process of learning language through the habits formulation. These has three components; stimulus as a key. There is a respond because of the stimulus, reinforcement and repetition. 
c.         From the behaviorism perspective, learning English is student has orderly English which is formed and controlled by the teacher. Teacher as a locus of control and student as a follower. 
2.        The aim of learning English 
a.             Short term: listening focus on knowing, differencing, spelling, and mastering the meaning and structure. 
b.             Long term: mastering the language as a native. 
3.        The content
The material in learning English is as a tool to help the student mastering language. Even though, teacher still becomes the center. The material is in the form of book and audio. The book helps students in using the grammar and the audio helps students in spelling the words as a native. 
4.        The process of learning
         Learning language is habit forming. For the example; teacher gives material then students have to remind and do the sentence pattern. Within this, error can be minimized. Language skill can be more effective if the material in oral first than in writing.  Learning language can’t be separated from culture. It is because learning language has relationship with cultural aspects which based language. 
5.        The evaluation
         The emphasizing of this approach is the identification of mastering language components isolated. 
B.       Communicative approach
1.    Theories in communicative approach;
         Based on linguistic structural and functional theory, the ability in communication using English language is not only in grammar but also in the function of communication. 
2.    The aim of learning
a. Common purpose: learning language in school curriculum
b. Specific purpose based on student’s need: learning language in function and structure, language skill, (using in communication), affective (norms). 
3.    The content
         In this approach, curriculum must know about the need of the students, the aim of communication, people who contribute, the situation when communication held and the medium of communication that used by students.  
4.    The process of learning
This approach adopts five principles:
a. Knowing what they do
             Learning process will be efficient and effective if students and teacher know what they do. For gaining the condition, teacher and student must know about the purpose of learning. Beside that, they must know about the material lesson (structure, pronunciation, vocabulary, and spelling) and language skill. 
b. Mastering language completely 
             In learning language, we can’t be separately. In this case, students have to get guide about the understanding of language components with their need and level of knowledge. The understanding can be divided into two ways. First, the understanding goes from overall into a partly. Second, the opposite the first, goes from a part into overall. 
c. Process is as important as product
             The developing of communication will be continuing well if the learning process can adopt the real communication. Communication will be held, if there is blank information. Students will make communicate if they need information each other. So, the English learning process teacher must give interaction opportunity among students and students also students and teacher. 
d.Learning by doing
             Language skill; listening, speaking, reading and writing can be mastered by students if they are pushed for involving in the language activity. So, teacher can make opportunities to make the students use language skill. The opportunities have several steps:
«  Make relation among the students and the information which will be shared.
«  Train the student in mastering the meaning of language
«  Give student chance to choose the method in giving the information
«  Give reinforcement
«  Give information-gab, so students will be more excited to communicate. 
e. False is not always badness
             In the learning process, there will be an error. If the errors don’t disturb the communication process, it will be ok. On the other hand, if it does, teacher must correct it. In the learning, teacher and students have own rules. A student is as a negotiator among learning process, learning object and interaction in the class. Teacher is a facilitator in which build communication among the students. Second, teacher is a competitor and negotiator which bridge student’s need. Third, teacher is as a model who contributes more about knowledge and experience in learning process. 
5.    The evaluation
  In this approach, learning evaluation is focused in achieving communication competency of the student. This competency consist of understanding ability and knowing the meaning which in the text. 
Source : 

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