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30 December 2016


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Language learning is a complex process: in this process, language teachers can’t be far away from the technology, which is the application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks by organisations that involve people and machines. It is a fact that technology cannot be separated from society. Machines have social origins and they emerge from the needs of society. Therefore, teachers need technologies relevant to the teachinglearning situation. If the educationalists want children to be technologically equipped, all the changes and preparations ought to be done within the curriculum, school, architecture, teaching organisation and finance.  
It is a well-known fact that audio-visual materials are a great help in stimulating and facilitating the learning of a foreign language. According to Wright (1976:1) many media and many styles of visual presentation are useful to the language learner. That is to say, all audio-visual materials have positive contributions to language learning as long as they are used at the right time, in the right place. In language learning and teaching process, learner use his eyes as well as his ears; but his eyes are basic in learning. River (1981:399) claims that it clearly contributes to the understanding of another culture by providing vicarious contact with speakers of the language, through both audio and visual means. 

In recent years, the use of video in English classes has grown rapidly as a result of the increasing emphasis on communicative techniques. Being a rich and valuable resource, video is well-liked by both students and teachers (Hemei, 1997:45). Students like it because video presentations are interesting, challenging, and stimulating to watch. Video shows them how people behave in the culture whose language they are learning by bringing into the classroom a wide range of communicative situations. Another important factor for teachers that makes it more interesting and enjoyable is that it helps to promote comprehension. We know that deficiencies in vocabulary can make even a simple task very difficult for our students. Video makes meaning clearer by illustrating relationships in a way that is not possible with words, which proves a well-known saying that a picture is worth thousand words. Two minutes of video can provide an hour of classroom work, or it can be used to introduce a range of activity for five minutes. A ten-minute program can be useful for more advanced students. Less advanced students may wish something much shorter because their limited command of the language also limits their attention span.   
It is obvious that non-native speakers of a language rely more heavily on visual clues to support their understanding and there is no doubt that video is an obvious medium for helping learners to interpret the visual clues effectively. According to a research, language teachers like video because it motivates learners, brings the real world into the classroom, contextualizes language naturally and enables learners to experience authentic language in a controlled environment.

A great advantage of video is that it provides authentic language input. Movies and TV programmes are made for native speakers, so in that sense video provides authentic language input (Katchen,2002). That is to say, it is obvious that the practical implications of video in the classroom in any classroom environment it can easily be used; teacher can step in the process whenever he wishes; he can stop, start and rewind to repeat it for several times where necessary. Any selected short sequence from the programme can be utilized for intensive study. To pay special attention to a particular point in the programme it is possible to run in slow motion or at half speed or without sound.  
Besides, the learner can concentrate on the language in detail and interpret what has been said, repeat it, predict the reply and so on. The learner can also concentrate in detail on visual clues to meaning such as facial expression, dress, gesture, posture and on details of the environment. Even without hearing the language spoken clues to meaning can be picked up from the vision alone. Using visual clues to meaning in order to enhance learning is an important part of video methodology.  
The other point that should be focused is that in foreign language to interpret attitude is very difficult owing to the fact that the listener concentrates himself on the verbal message, not the visual clues to meaning. Video gives the students practice in concluding attitudes. The rhythmic hand and arm movements, head nods, head gestures are related to the structure of the message. Moreover, the students have a general idea of the culture of the target language. It may be enjoyable for the learners to have something different for language learning apart from the course books and cassettes for listening. 
On the other hand, besides advantages, the disadvantages of video should also be taken into account. The main disadvantages are cost, inconvenience, maintenance and some cases, fear of technology. Additionally, the sound and vision, quality of the copies or home-produced materials may not be ideal.  Another important issue in this case is that the teacher should be well-trained on using and exploiting the video. Otherwise, it becomes boring and purposeless for students.  

It is easy for a group of imaginative teachers experienced in using video in ELT to sit down and draw up a list of different ways of using video in the classroom. There are many accounts where interesting video lessons are reported in the literature. Canning-Wilson (2000) suggests that as F/SL educators we must not loose sight of the educational purpose it has in the language classroom although it may be a popular tool to use with students. To get a successful result in language teaching using the video as an aid there are some techniques that should be benefited by both teacher and learner.
Active viewing increases the students’ enjoyment and satisfaction and focuses their attention on the main idea of the video presentation. So, it is necessary for students to take an active part in video teaching presentations. Before starting the presentation the teacher writes some key questions on the board about the presentation so that the students get an overview of the content of it. After viewing the questions the students answer the questions orally, or the students may take notes while viewing
Freeze framing means stopping the picture on the screen by pressing the still or pause button. Video gives us an additional dimension of information about the characters’ body language, facial expressions, emotions, reactions, and responses. Teacher freezes the picture when he or she wants to teach words and expressions regarding mood and emotions, to ask questions about a particular scene, or to call students’ attention to some points. By freezing the scene the students can be asked what is going to happen next. So they speculate on what will happen in the next act. Freeze framing is excellent for speculation. This activity also fires the imagination of the students by leading them predicting and deducing further information about the characters.
As video is an audiovisual medium, the sound and the vision are separate components. Silent viewing arouses student interests, stimulates thought, and develops skills of anticipation. In silent viewing, the video segment is played with the sound off using only the picture. This activity can also be a prediction technique when students are watching video for the first time. One way of doing this is to play the video segment without the sound and tell students to observe the behaviour of the characters and to use their power of deduction.
This activity can be interesting and useful to play a section of a video unit and remove the visual element from the presentation by obscuring the picture so that students can hear only the dialogue but unable to see the action. Through this activity the students predict or reconstruct what has happened visually depending only what they hear.
When there are some difficult language points in the video unit, closely repetition can be a necessary step to communicative production exercises. A scene on video is replayed with certain pauses for repetition either individually or in chorus. When students have a clear understanding of the presentation, they are asked to act out the scene using as much of the original version as they can remember. When students become confident with role playing and are sure of vocabulary and language structures, more creative activity can be introduced in which they are asked to improvise the scene to fit their views of the situation and the characters they are playing. Role-play involves students as active participants. As each student plays the   assigned role, s/he becomes more and more involved
After students have seen a section, students are asked to reproduce either what is being said, to describe what is happening, or to write or retell what has happened. This activity encourages students to try out their knowledge. Students will benefit from experimenting in English, even though it is challenging and mistakes are made. As it seems a bit difficult to perform, guidance, help and reassurance may be needed. 
This activity can be done when students have the necessary language competence. In this activity, students are asked to fill in the missing dialogues after watching a sound-off video episode. It is interesting and enjoyable for the students to complete a scene from the video by dubbing.  
It is important that a video presentation should lead to follow-up activity as the basis for further extended oral practice. Discussion stimulates communication among students, and it helps to achieve communicative practice. With this activity students have an opportunity to develop sharing and co-operative skills.  


Christine Canning-Wilson & Julie Wallace. 2000. Practical Aspects of Using Video in the Foreign Language Classroom.  The  Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 11, November 2000. Retrieved December 15th, 2016 from internet: html.

Christine Canning-Wilson. 2000. Research in Visuals. Video Special Interest Group at the International TESOL Arabia 2000 Conference. Arabia.

Hemei, J. 1997. Teaching with Video in an English Class, Journal of English Teaching Forum, vol.35-2, pp 45- 47.

Katchen, J.E. 1996. Using authentic video in English language teaching: Tips for Taiwan’s teachers. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Company, Ltd Video in ELT—Theoretical and Pedagogical Foundations. Proceedings of the 2002 KATE  (The Korea Association of Teachers of English)  International Conference ,pp. 256-259. 

Wright, A. 1976. Visual Materials for the Language Teacher.  Essex : LongmanWilson.


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The teaching profession is filled with countless opportunities to enrich the academic lives of students. While some concepts and educational objectives will be easy for students to grasp, others will require you to think creatively to ensure that important learning objectives are met. Using audio/visual aids in teaching is one way to enhance lesson plans and give students additional ways to process subject information. Bridge the gap between the different types of learners by adding audio/visual aides to your teaching techniques. Since most people are visual learners, it's important to go beyond "spoken words" when educating students. Students are also more likely to learn material is they're exposed to it in a variety of ways. Always look over your lesson plans to find ways to inject different teaching styles.
In ELT (English language teaching, the English teaching methodology has developed in nature. Some methods in teaching have been implemented by teachers in teaching and learning process in order to produce the learning activity successfully . A long time ago, the most approaches used by teacher in teaching only focused on teacher-centered learning or we can call it as behaviorist approach. Students are still passive in learning. They just listen to what the teachers say and imitate what the teachers do in learning activity. Many drillings are given by teacher in teaching. Therefore, the result of that learning is still far of success.  Modern trends have changed the view of educational world that demands each educator to be creative in explaining the material in the classroom. The teacher must develop their approach, methods, and technique in teaching, because the learners also need to be actively involved in learning activity or we can say it as learner-centered learning. These approaches are used in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) that attempts learners to be active in learning, using language communicatively. In this approach, teachers are demanded to use some authentic materials in teaching. The use of authentic materials allows the class activity to be a real communication in teaching. Teachers are encouraged to use some media including audio and visual in nature, in order that the teaching and learning process becomes interesting and enjoyable. For instance, in teaching writing that is considered as the difficult skills in English language. In writing, the language learners must produce a new knowledge or language. They should use their thought, idea, mind, even psychology aspect in creating a correct writing. In order to achieve the objectives of writing, teachers can use audio visual aids to help students write sentences easily and make teaching and learning processes becomes interesting and enjoyable.
The development of education also demanded teacher to think what he or she do to make the teaching and learning become interesting and effective. The main point making teachers also use audio visual aids is the modern English education. It is different from the past, because now in learning, students must study actively, creatively, independently, and allows students to explore their mind, idea, and opinion.
 A resourceful English language learning classroom with audio visual aids is helpful for effective language learning. Studies indicate that visual aids improve the effectiveness of teaching learning process in a classroom (Joshi, 1995 & Vissa, 1994 in Ghazala, 2013: 11). The term of Audio-visual refers to the instructional media consisting of hearing and seeing activities. It means that a text book or reference material is not fall in this material. Audio-visual aid allows students to learn actively and to pay attention to the material, because they use their eye and ear in learning together.

The audio-visual aids are tools of record to improve speaking skills that are use for several times and more than others. These things have been employed for many years in the classroom, where the object picture section and gestures have been systematically used with audiovisual work to elucidate meaning, this practice has been an essential element in teaching. Audio-visual aids can clarify the material more easily in teaching learning process.
There are still a number of definitions asserted by many experts in defining audio visual in nature. According to (Anzaku in Ashaver et all., 2013: 44) in the term of audio-visual materials is generally used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to declare meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language. In this case, the term of audio-visual aids is more associated by some instructional materials used by teacher or educator in the classroom. Those materials consist of any hearing and seeing activities in nature. Such as (Dike in Ashaver et all., 2013: 44) states that some materials used in audio-visual related to any information through the sense of hearing as in audio resources, sight, as in visual resources or through a combination of senses.
In other definitions is proposed by Hiral (2015: 92), urging that audio-visual includes seeing and understanding processes allowing students to express their mind to do what they are being asked to do. She also mentions that audio materials are a text that can be heard and recorded in tape, CD, or DVD player. Any recorded dialogue, speech, song, music can be audio materials for language classroom. On the other hand, visual aids can be seen such as pictures, poster, graphics, videos, charts, and flash cards. Thus, from some definitions above, a text book or a reference material does not include to those instructional materials. Based on (Mathew, 2013: 87) proposes that audio-visual aids are different tools from others used for presentation and abstract information in the classroom.
Audio-Visual aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make it easier and interesting. The material like charts, maps ,models, film strip, projectors radio, television etc called instructional aids (Rather,2004).

Teaching becomes monotonous in the classroom when the teachers just use a text book as the one source in learning. For instance, in behaviorist approach, in this case, teaching is mostly considered as teacher-centered learning. The dominant activities are imitation. Students imitate what the teachers say in the learning. This just make the students become passive in the classroom. In Mathew and Alidmat’s (2013) study explored that the use of audio-visual aids helps the language teacher in ELT (English Language Teaching). The result of their study stated that the use of audio visual can help both students and teacher in teaching and learning process.
In some case, there are many types of audio-visual materials in teaching. Some of which can be used by teacher in teaching as follow:
1. Filmstrips and Slide
Filmstrips and Slide are among the most economical of Audio Visual materials (Allen, 1956: 131). Film is media consisting of hearing and seeing processes in nature. Film can also give the teachers a traditional and structured discussion. It is simple by using film in teaching. It can be set based on what the teacher wants. Film is readily accessible in that it can be bought, rented, or borrowed from libraries, schools, or private institution. (Stampolis and Sewell in Allen, 1956: 132) on their study compared the use of four filmstrips with lectures in teaching economic concepts to university students.
2. Video Compact Disc (VCD)
The other types of audio-visual aids are video compact disc. It is also similar to film that consists of hearing and seeing activities in nature. But, it also has some differences. Unlike an event recorded on film, video tape can be played back immediately for analysis. It can be set fast. Video compact disc has a lot of advantages of being portable, cheap, and visible in a lighted room. Harmer (2001) declares that the use of video in class is just listening with “pictures”. In recent years, the use of video in English classes has developed rapidly as a result of the increasing emphasis on communicative techniques. Many students like it because video is interesting, challenging, and stimulating to watch. Video can promote comprehension in learning. Indeed, in a video, the viewer is seeing the results of the writing, not just reading or hearing them as in print and radio.
3. Internet and YouTube
Internet and You tube are also one of the audio visual aids types. Most of people in the world now know that internet is useful for education in some case, especially for students when they get some online task from teachers. Through internet, students can do browsing activities as much as possible they want to watch. For instance, when the students want to watch advertisement products in google, automatically they get it fast. They just determine the key word taped in google search engine. They can read and hear some a new language program. Another important difference presented by the Internet is that the quality of presentation of information is not necessarily a clue as to the quality of the content the way it might be with a print publication (Rijlaarsdam: 1993).
4. Television
Allen (1956) states that educational television has received the most concentrated study of any of the Audio Visual materials during the past several years. TV instruction was found to be just as effective as regular classroom instruction in teaching training subject. Today, many programs on TV have developed from year to year whether educational channel programs or commercial ones. Indeed, on TV serves a lot of advertisement that can be seen directly. It also has some advantages in practice. Through TV, people can know some issues being occurred in real life on TV news. They also get knowledge in some case.

Mind Map of  Audio Visual Materials

Today  English second language is considered as a language learned by the learners in the teaching and learning processes after the first language or mother tongue. English language has put the important role for people to survive in the world, especially for students in school education. But, in fact, many of students still have difficulties in learning English. It is caused by some reasons addressed may be for an ineffective teaching, students’ lack motivation, an uninterested teaching, or even lack of facilitation in teaching. From those problems, teacher can determine a new way to solve it. Today, for instance, teacher can uses media in teaching. In some case, many teachers apply the more strategies and approach in teaching English. For instance, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) allowing students to use English language communicative in nature. It is one of the popular language teaching approaches in the recent time. It was introduced in the early 1980s. In this approach, teachers are demanded to use some authentic materials in teaching. The use of authentic materials allows the class activity to be a real communication in teaching. Teachers are encouraged to use some media including audio and visual in nature, in order that the teaching and learning process becomes interesting and enjoyable. The students can learn easily by using media. Indeed, it also allows teacher to explain materials easily. Teachers no longer use their energy in delivering the materials. In teaching of English, the teacher uses the direct method. Thus, it is for the teacher to give a clear idea to the students through audio-visual aids.
According to (Hiral, 2015: 92) on her study indicates that audio-visual aids can be implemented in all skills of English (such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing) language to make it interesting for students in learning some English materials. Furthermore, the role of audio-visual has made the students to be creative in learning, because in this case, the role of teachers is just guiding and facilitating in teaching. All activities are mostly done by the students in the classroom by media. In ESL classroom, the using of audio visual aids not only as a source of help for teachers, but also provided a stimulus variation. Audio visual also helps teacher in psychology aspect (Gopal in Ashaver et all., 2013: 45). Teacher can easily manage the classroom’s complex situation and condition, because most of classroom atmospheres are noisy and makes teacher may become down.

Allen, William. 1956. Audio-Visual Materials. American Educational Research Association Vol 26,No.2, 125-135.

Ashaver,  Dhoosuur. 2013. The Use of Audio-Visual Materials in the Teaching and Learning Processes in Colleges of Education in Benue State – Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) Vol. 1,Issue 6, 3811-3813.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. UK: Longman.
Joseph Macwan, Hiral. 2015. Using Visual Aids as Authentic Material in ESL Classrooms. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol 3,Issue.1.

Kausar, Ghazala. 2013. Students’ Perspective of the Use of Audio visual Aids in Pakistan. Pakistan : International Islamic University.

Madhuri, J. Naga. 2013. Use of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching and Speaking. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol.1,Issue.3.

Mathew George, Nalliveettil. 2103. A Study of Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 2, No. 2.

Rather, A.R.2004. Essentials Instructional Technology, published by Darya gaj New Delhi.  
Rijlaarsdam, Gert. 2005. Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Multimedia for Teaching English in the Classroom

By Muhammad Farkhan Fauzi

Multimedia is related to technology. It has significant role in teaching English. When we talk about multimedia, a term CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) should be used. Since the media can be integrated by using computer, the multimedia has close relation with CALL. Sometimes people even use CALL to stand for multimedia. Although the definition of multimedia is very simple, making it work is very complicated.
A study conducted by Kasper (1997) illustrate that teaching English using multimedia such as print, film, video, Internet to students encourage them to write a critical analysis on assignments. Overall, the students’ achievement increased significantly 92 % of the students passed on departmental reading and writing examinations. In addition, their feedback on discussions is very positive. They express confidence in their ability to use English. They attribute this improvement to the multimedia model that the texts teach them English and provide helpful information in other courses and the film and Internet help them make material easier to understand because they see, hear, and read about the topic.

Components of Multimedia.
Multimedia is composed of various components: text, graphics, animation, sound, and video. These components can contribute differentially to the learning of material
a.   Text.
It is fundamental element in all multimedia applications. It conveys most information (Vanghan, 2004). We can use ordinary text or various typographic effects for emphasis or clarification in English teaching. In order to catch the reader’s attention, teachers can use different font size, color, and style to present information;  emphasize a certain word or phrase.
b.  Graphics.
It refers to images and pictures, such as chart, diagram, and photograph, which contain no movement. According to Andrew Wright’s Book Picture for Language Learning, graphics can stimulate interesting and motivation, improve understanding ability of language, and offer especial reference object and topic (Wright, 2003). Graphics plays a very important role in language teaching process.
c.   Animation.
Animation is the rapid display of a sequence  of images of 2-D or  3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. Simply speaking, it ranges scope from the basic graph with a simple motion to a detailed image with complex movements. Assisted by the use of animation, teachers can  highlight key knowledge points and heighten students’ motivation (Vanghan, 2004).
d.   Sound.
It is speech, music, or any other sound that is stored and produced by computers. It has more advantages than tape recorder. In multimedia, teacher can use more vivid and fruitful sound to help students’ English learning.
e.   Video.
It is the visible part of a television transmission and broadcasts visual images of stationary or moving objects. Compared with animation, video can offer more vivid information. But it will consume more storage space than animation (Vanghan, 2004).

The Setting of Multimedia Classroom
In traditional classroom, most English teachers are used to using some conventional equipment, such as blackboard, chalk, tape recorders, and so on. However, we can find more modern equipment in a multimedia classroom. To ensure that readers can obtain a better understanding of multimedia English teaching, an illustration of a typical one-multimedia-PC classroom setting is vital and necessary.  
1)  MPC—multimedia personal computer;
2)  VCD/DVD player—video compound disk/digital video disk;
3)  Amplifier and Hi-Fi acoustic system;
4)  Overhead/slide projector;
5)  Screen/curtain;
6)  Projecting apparatus;
7)  The Internet access;
8)  Cassette tape recorder;
Many studies have shown that many students are tired of traditional English classes, and are interested in new style learning. They have positive attitude towards computer technology used in the classroom, and such technology does have a positive impact, because multimedia teaching have many advantages over other media in English teaching. 

a.   Arousing the students’ interest.
Famous scientist Albert Einstein had a famous saying: “Interest is the best teacher”. So the interest has always been seen as the best helper to learn the knowledge. The traditional teaching method is that teachers talk from the beginning to the end with a chalk and a mouth. Such teaching is very single, which makes students lose interest, until weariness. Leo Tolstoy said: “The successful teaching is not to force, but rather to stimulate student’s desire” (Tolstoy, 2008, p. 212). In other words, if student have no interest or desire on teaching subject, then, even if the teacher talk how carefully, the results are fruitlessly. Therefore, teachers should try their best to get students to become interest in one topic of knowledge point, and make the students with a strong passion and enthusiasm to participate in teaching. Multimedia is this kind of media which can show a variety of sounds, images, animation, and other effects, firmly grasping the studen’s interest. It also can stimulate the students’ strong desire to study English actively. Multi-media teaching can not only greatly stimulate students’ interest in learning, but also make teaching becomes vivid and lively.

b.  Improving students’ self-learning ability.
The purpose of teaching in the classroom is not only to impart knowledge to students. The most important thing is teaching students how to learn and making students change from “want me to study” to “I want to learn” in thinking, from passive learning to active learning. Therefore, students are free from the passive learning environment, take initiative at learning, and develop their own self-learning good habits gradually. It also can enable students to tap into a good way of learning English independently, keep the cultivation of motivation and interest in learning English so as to make students really love the English, really free from the passive learning environment in English learning .The use of multimedia will be conducive to transition for students from the traditional passive learning to active state for independent study. For example, teachers can select the appropriate E-work arrangements to the students from the multimedia courseware after class, so that they can complete the relevant extra-curricular work, and send message to the teacher through their own e-mails, the teacher via electronic E-mail marking responses to student. In this way,
students can not only see their learning outcomes in the shortest period of time, but also continue stimulating interest in their own learning through the multimedia network. 
c.   Improving students’ innovative ability. 
Meanwhile, multi-media teaching can also develop student’s ability to innovate. Things need to innovate, Einstein said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge, and is a source of knowledge”. In teaching, the teachers should pay attention to tap the imagination of students. To use multimedia can achieve the desired results and find unlimited resources in textbooks.
d.  Cultivating students’ communication skills.
Chinese students learning English often lack a certain language environment and opportunities for practicing language, but the actual language teaching is often to focus only on words and sentence structures of learning, ignoring its specific application. Thus, many students get a fixed, isolated knowledge points from textbooks, but the ability of using these knowledge points to the real life of the capacity is relatively poor. When encountering with the reality of different occasions, they will be helpless. Through multi-media teaching, we can create real-life scenes in the classroom. It is not only to shorten the distance between teaching and practice and give students the opportunity to use English to communicate, but also to satisfy their curiosity in psychology and stimulate the expression of desire.
e.  Increasing classroom capacity.
With only a tiny mouse, teachers can avoid using of multiple exchange of tape recorders, video recorders, overhead projectors, etc., greatly increase the output of information, speed up the pace of the classroom, increase the density of the classroom, and save a lot of time which teachers spend on writing on the blackboard. Multi-media teaching rhythm is adapted to the needs of modernization to meet thestudent’s desire for knowledge. It can expand text-related materials. The use of multimedia technologies can make students notice a clear knowledge and a new expansion by huge information capacity which shows by all kinds of media.
Mind Mapping


References :
Kasper, Loretta F. (1997), “The Impact of Content-Based Instructional Programs on the Academic Progress of ESL Students”, English  for Specific Purposes, vol.16. Pp. 309-20. Kasper, Strategies”, PostScript, vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 5-17. 
Tolstoy, L., & CAO, Y. (2008). Childhood, boyhood, and youth. Shanghai: Shanghai literature and Art Publishing House.
Vanghan, T. (2004). Multimrdia: Making it work (8th ed.). Beijing: QingHua University Publishing House.
Wright, A. (2003). Picture for language learning. Tianjin: Nan Kai University Publishing House.
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